Sunday, August 12, 2012


It's never ceases to amaze me just how true the expression "mother knows bests" really is. In the span of 36 hours since my mom has been in DC, we managed to box up my entire room, pack three suitcases that combined weigh more than I do and zip around town to gather up some last minute items. Everything is finally coming together and it's just now hitting me that I'm actually truly leaving for real.

I got my housing and roommate assignment; we'll be living in an apartment-style set up about 15 minutes from campus. Based on the information they sent, it looks like we lucked out location-wise and are close to just about every amenity as well as a train station and Tivoli Gardens. I heard back from my adoptive visiting family. They have three daughters (ages 17, 14 and 10) and the dad responded to my email via iPad...I have a feeling we'll all get along great. In addition to some trinkets from back home, I've also decided to burn them a country CD. I'm really curious to see how they like it.

As I sit in my empty room staring at my pile of suitcases, I'm having major flash backs to pre-freshman year. In a lot ways, a semester abroad is the same "fresh start, new people" kind of feeling that starting college was a few years ago. This time however, I have a unique chance to reflect on my two years at Georgetown and decide what I'll do differently this time around. While I could make a laundry list of things I learned (you will forget everyone's name, party hopping is easier when you actually know the host, dorm shower horror stories really do happen), the biggest thing I've noticed is how busy I've been.

(I'm punctual in multiple timezones)

This fall will be my first college semester I won't be working; this past school year I added an amazing on campus job that doubled as an awesome social outlet in addition to my cupcake gig. I love having a job and I love the clubs I'm involved with on campus. Even though I have every intention to take advantage of everything DIS has to offer, my biggest piece of advice to my new not-quite-a-freshman-self is to just breathe and enjoy my time without spending every single second scheduled to max. I want to have time to wander after class, explore new cafes on weekends and really get to know the city without feeling like I'm racing off to my next meeting or appointment.

Despite the whirlwind that the past two days have been, having my mom in town for my last weekend has really slowed me down in a good way. This afternoon we went and got ice cream from a shop a few blocks from campus that I hadn't gotten around to trying in all my time in DC because I "never had time" to sit down and try it. Life moves pretty fast, and I plan to stop and take a good, long look around for the next four months in Denmark.

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